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August Newsletter

What's going on?

Thank you to everyone who came out to our ribbon cutting! It was a fantastic turn out and we appreciate your continued support!

We want to make a shout out to One Tree Yoga off 144th and Center - they hosted a beautiful Ladies Night Event that we were able to attend and offer free mini health scans. It was a huge hit! They offer a huge variety of classes, and its a beautiful studio if anyone is looking for a place to practice yoga. Upcoming events: This weekend 7/26 we will have a booth at the HEN conference and on 8/2 we will have a booth at Live Love Latch

Question of the month: How long can you live without food, water, oxygen, or your nervous system? You can live weeks without food, 3-5 days without water, 5-10 minutes without oxygen....but you cannot live one second without your nervous system. That is exactly why we are nervous system specialist at Infinite Health, because it is so critical to our health that we cannot even survive a minute without it. How well is your nervous system working?

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